Recommended Cards for DMG Rings
A number of people have suggested making a list of recommended item cards for the standard magic items in the Dungeon Master's Guide (DMG), so I'm going to take a crack at it, starting with potions. I'm basing my decisions on the both the card's appearance and the item's rarity according to the DMG (using cards which are in both Item Pack 1 and Hero's Hoard for common items, cards which are in Item Pack 1 only for uncommon items, and cards which only appear in the expansions for rare items). Most cards are listed with multiple items, as there are only so many item cards to choose from currently. This will change as Dragon's Trove and other expanions come along.
IP32 - Woven gold with elven script suits the higher learning of the rings of wizardry.
HH58 - This silver signet with clay humanoid stamp suggests physicality, so it's my pick for the rings of climbing, freedom of movement, jumping, regeneration, and sustenance.
IP30, HH59 - A fairly ordinary gold band with a red gemstone is a great choice for the various rings of protection.
HH 60 - The winding gold serpent with emerald eyes invokes the ideas of enchantment and water, so it's a good choice for rings of animal friendship, elemental command (water), swimming, and water walking.
IP31, HH61 - The coiled silver serpents suggests reversals, so I recommend it for the ever-popular rings of counterspells, spell storing, spell turning, and three wishes.
HH62 - The silver twisting ring with glowing symbols inside is a subtle homage to the One Ring, so I'd use it for rings of blinking, chameleon power, evasion, and invisibility.

RW58 - Twisting silver with a missing gemstone suggests divination and force, so I recommend this card for rings of the ram, telekinesis, and x-ray vision.
RW59 - The plain silver band with tiny cracks reminds me of abjuration and defense, making it suitable for rings of force shield, friend shield, and mind shielding.
RW60 - The rusty iron is a close fit to the DMG description of rings of energy resistance, but I'd also find it suitable for rings of elemental command (earth).
RW61 - The black gemstone reflecting a sliver moon suggests matters above the common sphere, so let's use it for rings of djinni calling, elemental command (air), and feather falling.
Your comments are more than welcome on this list. I'll either tackle potions or wondrous items next (I'll have to chip away at that category over time, but the number of choices is greatly reduced).
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