Relics of War Wondrous Items
Closing out this expansion are 23 wondrous items (#88-110), including several common form factors (Amulet, Boots, Cloak, etc), several new ones (Cube, Helm, Pearl, etc), and three intriguing objects that don't necessarily correspond to magic items in the Dungeon Master's Guide: 98 Demon Fang, 108 Shrunken Head, and 109 Unicorn Horn.
88 Amulet - Serpentine gold with dual silver wrappings
89 Bag - Plain leather and stained
90 Belt - Leather with random geometric design
91 Book - Crisp vellum with painted hardwood covers
92 Book - Dried skin cover, warm to the touch
93 Boots - Tall leather with fishtail design and saltwater scent
94 Bracers - Smooth silver bound in thick cord
95 Cloak - Plain white exterior, starry blue interior
96 Cloak - Patchy green cloth and leather with eyes in back
97 Cube - Tarnished iron with black bar patterns
98 Demon Fang - Stained with blood
99 Feather - White feather ripples in still air
100 Helm - Silver with hidden catseye diamond
101 Mask - Rust colored clay with real teeth
102 Pearl - Oblong, smooth, and white; hums with power
103 Pearl - Perfectly round black sphere absorbs light
104 Powder - Small glass tube with very fine black ash
105 Prayer Beads - Brass beads with silver trinket
106 Quiver - Green leather with red felt lining and yellow ribbon
107 Salve - Clay jar of creamy substance with clove scent
108 Shrunken Head - Poorly preserved and rotting
109 Unicorn Horn - Cleanly severed
110 Withered Hand - Dry and twitching
This assortment of wondrous items outshines the rest of the expansion, in my opinion. Several of the items will be crucial in the Age of Worms and Savage Tide adventure paths, and the rest are just darn attractive. My current favorite is 103 Pearl, for its resemblance to a certain artifact.
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