Relics of War Scrolls
Three days to go, and out come the 10 scrolls (#62-71) in Relics of War. How interesting can a bunch of paper be, anyway? Pretty interesting, if you're Vincent Dutrait (Check his site for pictures of the items from Hero's Hoard and Item Pack 1).
62 Scroll - Large parchment with massive runic symbol
63 Scroll - Sealed with swatch of spotted fur and wax emblem
64 Scroll - Skull-like musical notes
65 Scroll - Long bolt of fabric with dyed symbols
66 Scroll - Aged parchment with markings written over text
67 Scroll - Papyrus stained in blood and covered with line patterns
68 Scroll - Faded and stained fragment of larger whole
69 Scroll - Intricate geometric patterns increasing in complexity
70 Scroll - Patterns of pulsing lines moist with blood
71 Scroll - Cramped writing and diagrams on bone dowels
My favorite scroll in this set is the plump grey one bound with a white cord (65). I never really looked at it before, but I also like the musical score with little skulls for notes (64).
The Complete Relics of War Scroll Set is currently available at the Item Card Extravaganza for $5.
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