Recommended Cards for DMG Wondrous Items (Neck)
Working on Wondrous Items was a lot quicker (and more fun) than I expected. There are only a few items of each type (Cloaks have the most at 5), so it was easy to match up many items. There was also an opportunity to be creative assigning unusual cards (Unicorn Horn, Demon Fang) as proxies for magic items with unusual shapes (pipes of haunting, figurines of wondrous power).
It's worth mentioning that I'm attaching very little weight to the magic item descriptions in the Dungeon Master's Guide. I figure the visual illustration on the cards trumps the text. Sometimes there's a good match (mask of the skull, necklace of fireballs), but not always.
I'll organize these items by the associated body slot (see Kyle Baird's analysis on the Paizo boards). First up is the neck.
IP43, HH90 Amulet - This smooth shaped jade device with a carved baboon image is the most common amulet, so I'm assigning it to the various amulets of natural armor.
IP44 Amulet - A monstrously shaped stone object with chips of gold, this amulet will serve as our amulet of mighty fists and scarab, golembane.
HH89 Amulet - The carved female figure stained in blood is creepy, but also relatively common. Let's make it an amulet of health.
RW88 Amulet - Serpentine gold with dual silver wrappings, this last amulet seems a good match for the amulets of the planes and proof against detection and location.
IP54 Necklace - Gold coils set with a large dark gemstone seem suitable for a necklace of adaptation, brooch of shielding, and scarab of protection.HH108 Necklace - A simple necklace with golden baubles is a great match for the various necklaces of fireballs.
HH109 Periapt - The only periapt we have so far, this silver device with black jet gets to serve as periapts of health, proof against poison, wisdom, and wound closure.
RW105 Prayer Beads - No puzzles here. Brass beads with a silver trinket at the end are best used to represent strands of prayer beads.
RW108 Shrunken Head - It's got a cord on it, and since we have no other medallions, this poorly preserved rotting head makes a creepy medallion of thoughts (thanks to Duncan Clyborne for suggesting this one, and for providing paraphrased descriptions on many of these items).
RW110 Withered Hand - If you can't hang a head around your neck, why not hang a dry, twitching hand? You knew that the hand of glory and hand of the mage took up a neck slot, right?
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