Review: GameMastery Campaign Workbook (part 2)
Part 1 of this review covered the Contact, PC Registry, Basics, Calendar, and Map sections of the GameMastery Campaign Workbook.
Pages 46 to 252 are the Game Logs section, the bulk of the book and the most generic. The left hand side of two page spread is lined, and the right hand side has graph paper. This section could be used for dungeon maps, illustrations, encounter tables, flow charts, etc. It's nice to have the two types of paper alternate like this, although you accomplish much the same thing with two notebooks (and you'd probably have larger sheets of paper to boot).
Pages 254 to 303 present the NPC Registry, with room for two NPCs on each page. The basic information is the same as it is for PCs (name, classes, race, alignment, deity, ability scores, hit points, armor classes, and saves). There are boxes for attacks, skills, and feats and a three line notes section (much smaller than the corresponding notes and gear section in the PC Registry).
Pages 304 to 311 is the first half of the Item Cards section, with spaces for thirteen cards per page. Each card has a box for code and two lines for description. Pages 312 to 315 elaborate on this, detailing five cards per page with information like aura, caster level, cost, and construction. I started tracking the same information for my item cards in an Excel spreadsheet.
Pages 316 to 318 are lined pages for Quotes. Some gamemasters and players are really good at remembering notable quotes from their campaign sessions. I wish I were one of them. Page 319 is the Open Game License, and Page 320 is an advertisement for other GameMastery products (a little dated, as Dragon's Trove is listed as a Booster Pack for Item Cards).
I would have gotten a lot of use out of the Campaign Workbook in high school, when I was running homebrew campaigns and did not have a laptop. I would only recommend this product to someone who falls into both of those groups. Anyone who runs published adventures will probably not use most of the book, and anyone with a laptop can do track most of the book's contents more efficiently in DM's Familiar, Excel, and Word.
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