Recommended Cards for DMG Rods
AG 34 - This mundane piton seems like the best choice for the immovable rod.
HH 23 - A spiked ball flail with a chain and wooden handle will serve as our rod of flailing.
HH 31 - The wooden mace with iron spikes and rope-wrapped handle seems right for the rods of alertness and thunder and lightning, both of which have the properties of light maces in combat.Metamagic
HH 73 - Shamanistic in appearance, this stained rod with pearls and animalistic bone head will be our rods rods of metamagic empower, metal and mineral detection, flame extinguishing, and enemy detection.
HH 74 - The rod with the flowering bulb head suggests growth, an attribute suitable for rods of metamagic enlarge, absorption, and security.
IP 37 - A metal rod with a serpent's head is a natural for rods of python, viper, and metamagic extend.
RW 72 - This steel rod with six multicolored gemstones immediately suggested the rods of wonder and lordly might, but I'd also recommend it for rods of rulership, splendor, and metamagic maximize.
RW 73 - Silent but deadly, this metal rod with ghostly cap and skull and bone motif will serve as rods of cancellation, negation, withering, metamagic silent, and metamagic quicken.
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