Dragon's Trove, eBay, and Competition?
Interesting news today. Jason Bulmahn posted on the Paizo messageboards that Dragon's Trove will be released as a set of 110 cards rather than as 11 card boosters. Many board posts and product reviews over the last nine months have asked for non-random item cards, and it looks like they are coming. As Kyle Baird noted, the new collecting challenge will be for DMs who want multiples of a particular card. I'm considering buying a number of complete sets and then selling matched sets, but I've got to think about it some more.
My first Relics of War Complete set sold on eBay. Woo hoo! This week I've got Potions, Scrolls, and Rod/Wand/Staff subsets from Relics up for auction. It think I've figured out how to create a link to my auctions.
Kyle Baird noticed that CCG Armory is now selling Item Card Singles. I have ordered my Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures cases from CCG Armory for the last four or five releases, so it's with interest that I see them getting into this market. I doubt we'll be in direct competition, as my focus is selling sets and subsets. Sadly, they are also out of stock of my most wanted cards. As a side note, they are selling Hero's Hoard and Relics of War boosters for $2.62 each, the lowest I've seen outside of eBay.
Now playing: Viva Pinata
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