DM Toolkit: Tact-Tiles
What do I use when I'm not using Dwarven Forge or WorldWorks? Most of the time I use a set of twelve Tact-Tiles by BC Products. I love the fact that I can scroll or resize the battlemat at any time. I also like that it's dry erase and relatively portable. Needless to say, my son Joshua enjoys drawing on the Tact-Tiles using the seven or so colored markers I have on hand for my games.
I have used a Chessex Battlemat in the past, but I never really enjoyed cleaning up after the wet erase marker. I also accidentally used a dry erase marker on it one day, so now it has permanent artwork.
I ordered a Steel Sqwire Flip Mat several months ago, but I still haven't used it. It's very portable, and the fact that it accepts any type of marker is quite appealing. I don't like the fact that it has fold marks in it after unfolding it. Perhaps I'll bring it along when I travel for gaming.
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